Find Leopard Intro video from your mac

Posted by Bhaguz Hernawan on 10.42 in , ,
When we had the Leopard Install the first time, we would be served by a Video Intro from the Leopard Installer. The video can be seen only at the time, but briefly, it turns out these video files in our Macs. Want to see the video again? follow these steps:

Open your Finder,
go to the folder Macintosh HD / System / Library / CoreServices / Setup Assistant.app
Right-click on Setup file Assistant.app then select Show Package Contents

after that go to the folder Contents / Resources / TransitionSection.bundle

now right click once again on TransitionSection.bundle file and select Show Package Contents

then into the folder Contents / Resources /

well within the folder you will see several folders and files of 2 pieces: an intro-sound.mp3 and intro.mov
now you can enjoy the video again.

mp3 files can be downloaded here.
honeycut-exodus honey

if you can not wait to find it on your mac, the video can be downloaded here
Intro Video Leopard


source : macrumors and google

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Newbie on Mac Question

Posted by Bhaguz Hernawan on 21.18 in ,

Is a Mac safe from PC viruses?

Yes, a Mac is 100 percent safe from viruses designed to attack PCs. And although no computer connected to the Internet is completely immune to all viruses and spyware, the Mac is built on a solid UNIX foundation and designed with security in mind. The Mac web browser, Safari, alerts you whenever you’re downloading an application — even if it’s disguised as a picture or movie file. And Apple continually makes free security updates available for Mac owners. You can even have them download automatically.

Can a Mac run Windows and Microsoft Office?

Yes. Microsoft Office is available for the Mac, and Word, PowerPoint, and Excel files created on a Mac are fully compatible with Windows. Most other popular applications are available for the Mac, too. But if you need to use a particular Windows-only application, you have a few options: Boot Camp comes with every new Mac, and it lets you run Windows natively — as if your Mac were a PC. If you want to run Mac OS X and Windows side by side, you can purchase Parallels Desktop for Mac or VMware Fusion. Install one of these applications, along with the Windows Installation CDs, and you can run the occasional Windows program right next to your Mac applications, without having to restart.

Will my PC devices (cameras, printers, hard drives) work with a Mac?

A Mac has hundreds of drivers for peripherals preinstalled. Just connect your device and, in most cases, you’re good to go. And a Mac is smart enough to know what to do when you plug in your digital camera: It opens iPhoto and asks if you want to import your recent photos.

Can I join Windows networks?

Yes. If you have a network at home or at work, whether wired or wireless, a Mac will fit right in. You can share files with any computer on your network, browse the web, and get your work or home email.

What about Wi-Fi?

All new Mac computers are Wi-Fi capable. Available wireless networks automatically show up. Just select the network you want to join, enter a password if necessary, and you’re connected.

Is a Mac reliable?

When you buy a PC, you’re buying hardware from one company and an operating system and software from other companies. Not so with a Mac. Because Apple builds both the computer and the software that comes with it, they’re literally made for each other. This means that a Mac rarely freezes or crashes. Occasionally an application might quit, but it won’t affect the rest of your system. And Mac OS X resists most viruses, so you can do anything — without worrying about losing everything.

What kind of support can I expect?

Every Mac comes with service and support that’s consistently voted the best in the business. If you have a problem in the first year of owning your new Mac, you can take it to an Apple Retail Store to get it fixed or figured out. And if you purchase the AppleCare Protection Plan, you extend your service and support to up to three years. The Apple Retail Store also offers services like ProCare, which gives you priority support, and One to One, which provides personal training on your Mac. Each service costs $99 a year.

Is it easy to learn how to use a Mac?

Every Mac is created with the guiding principle that computers should be easy to use, so you can spend more time doing what you love and less time figuring out how your computer works. If you’ve never owned a Mac, you may need a little time to get used to it. But within a week or two, chances are you’ll get along like old friends. And because all Mac applications are designed to work in the same, intuitive way, once you learn one application — iTunes, for example — you’ll quickly pick up iPhoto, Mail, or any of the other software that comes with your Mac.

Why should I spend more money on a Mac?

When you compare the cost of a PC and factor in the additional software, memory, and other extras you have to buy to go along with it, the difference in price between a Mac and PC isn’t as great as most people believe. And because the Mac comes with so many built-in applications that you’ll enjoy using for both work and play (rather than useless freebies you’ll want to uninstall), a Mac makes good financial sense. Finally, a Mac is built with the most cutting-edge technology by some of the smartest hardware engineers, software developers, and product designers on the planet. So you’re getting the latest technological advances and a computer that isn’t in danger of becoming obsolete anytime soon.

How do I move my files to a Mac?

If you buy a Mac at an Apple Retail or Online Store along with One to One you'll get Personal Setup where we'll transfer your files, install any new Apple software you've purchased, and put it in all the right places.

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Which Mac are you..?

Posted by Bhaguz Hernawan on 21.04 in ,

Bingung mau beli mac..? Mau beli yg apa..?

mudah2an tulisan ini bisa membantu anda

Pertama2 kita bagi dulu Mac Computer (atau apalah istilahnya.. hehe)

menjadi 2 kategori :

- Desktop Computer (komputer yg ga bisa mobile. umumnya diletakkan di rumah atau kantor dalam pemakaian), terdiri dari :

o Mac Mini

o iMac

o Mac Pro

- Mobile Computer (komputer yg fungsinya lebih ke mobilitas atau kemudahannya untuk dibawa2), terdiri dari :

o Macbook

o MacbookPro

o Macbook Air

OK, itu tadi pembagian menurut kategori mobilitas, sekarang kita aka uraikan satu-persatu


Notebook apple paling terjangkau

Macbook, adalah notebook apple paling murah dibanding notebook lain dari apple. Ciri khas dari Macbook yg paling terlihat adalah warna bodynya yg putih susu dan ada logo apple di tengah body depannya, it’s so sexy…. Dan itulah salah satu alasan saya 2 tahun lalu memutuskan membeli macbook white ini.. hehehe

Perkembangan hardware pada macbook sudah cukup pesat. Dulu saat saya membeli Macbook white ini masih menggunakan RAM generasi DDR2 dan harganya masih cukup mahal. Macbook White seri 403 (13.3 inch, 2.4 Ghz, 2 GB DDR2, 160gb hdd, VGA onboardintel GMA) ini dulu di apple.com seharga 1299$. Sedangkan Macbook white generasi paling baru sekarang (13.3 inch, 2.4 Ghz, 2 GB DDR3, 250GB hdd, VGA onboard NVDIA) .

Harga untuk spek baru tersebut di apple.com adalah 999$.

(Jadi mikir, ini Macbook saya kalo dijual second cuma laku berapa… :sedih:)

Siapa yg cocok menggunakan Macbook?

Tentunya pembeli yg duitnya ga cukup untuk beli MacbookPro.. hehe.. kidding..

Menurut saya yg cocok menggunakan Macbook adalah pengguna Mac yg memiliki mobilitas cukup tinggi (karena bentuknya yg cukup kecil 13.3 inch) dan tidak membutuhkan spesifikasi VGA yg cukup tinggi (karena VGA yg terdapat di Macbook adalah VGA shared, yg mengambil memori dari RAMnya).


Contohnya ya bisa Mahasiswa (yg bukan mahasiswa teknik atau berbau2 science yah, misal anak ekonomi, psikologi,dll) karena mahasiswa teknik biasanya main2nya kan gambar 3D pasti butuh spek VGA cukup berat.

Bisa juga orang kantoran seperti manager perusahaan yg butuh laptop untuk dibawa2 presentasi kesana-kesini, pas sekali menggunakan Macbook ini karena beratnya yg cukup ringan dan baterenya yg kuat (di claim oleh Apple bisa 10jam) sehingga tidak perlu pusing2 urusan ngecharge.. hehe. Pecinta photography juga cocok menggunakan macbook white ini karena ringan dibawa2 saat traveling hunting foto dan teknologi layarnya yg so wonderfull.. hehe

Oh ya satu lagi kelebihan macbook daripada notebook lain, teknologi trakcpadnya itu loh… kalo di jaman Macbook saya ini baru support 2 finger, alias kita bisa gunain 2 jari di trackpad sebagai penganti klik kanan, dan scrol 2 jari ke bawah sebagai scroll down, its so great..!!

Tapi pada macbook generasi baru ini, bahkan sudah support 3 dan 4 jari pada trackpadnya.. (fuhh, berasa jadul deh MB ku.. hehe)

Macbook Pro

Bener2 notebook yg pro…!

Kenapa saya bilang begitu? Karena dengan spek yg menggiurkan, semua MacbookPro spek terbaru (13, 15 dan 17 inch) sekarang mengunakan RAM DDR3 4GB, very powerfull! Belum lagi spek prosesornya yg pada ukuran 15 inch menggunakan Intel Core i5.. Bwt render photoshop? wuzzz… bagai angin lewat deh.. hehe

Bodynya yg menggunakan alumunium, biasa disebut MacbookPro unibody terkesan sangat kuat dan maskulin, VGA nya yg pada seri 15 inch mid dan high end spek telah menggunakan VGA card dari NVIDIA bermemori 256 dan 512MB (pada seri 13 inch dan low spek 15 inch masih menggunakan onoboard seperti Macbook White). Glekkk.. Bila anda seorang gamer, menggunakan MBP dengan 512MB VGA card pasti membuat anda betah bgt maen game. hehe

Siapa yg cocok menggunakan MacbookPro?

Dilihat dari speknya, yg cocok menggunakan MacbookPro adalah orang2 yg bidang kerjanya membutuhkan komputer mobile yg memiliki spesifikasi hardware yg tinggi dan membutuhkan vga card cukup baik.

Untuk 13 inch MacbookPro

Menurut saya pas untuk para mahasiswa yg suka main2 grafis baik itu edit gambar2 seperti Photoshop atau bermain sedikit editing film dengan iMovie. Ehm, saya sarankan untuk yg berkarya di bidang musik tidak menggunakan MacbookPro 13 inch ini

Kenapa? Karena pada MBP 13 port audio out dan audio in dijadikan satu dan difungsikan secara bergantian tergantung kebutuhan kita. Bayangkan bila dalam 1 waktu kita harus take vocal menggunakan Mic (membutuhkan port audio in) sambil memutar suatu lagu menggunakan speaker studio (membutuhkan port audio out). Solusi dari masalah ini adalah menggunakan soundcard ext, tapi harganya cukup mahal bagi seorang musisi yg baru mulai merintis (2jt lebih)

Seorang web desainer juga menurut saya cocok menggunakan MBP 13 ini. Pekerjaan web desainer tidak membutuhkan spek VGA yg berat jadi 13 inch saja seperinya cukup. Tapi beberapa teman saya sih rata2 web desainer menggunakan 15 inch karena ukuran layar yg besar dibutuhkan dalam melihat hasil pekerjaannya apakah berubah di resolusi besar.

Untuk 15 inch MacbookPro

Nah kalo yg ini menurut saya lebih ke para pemain kelas entry level movie editing dan 3D animasi (terutama 15 inch yg menggunakan VGA card). Dengan MBP 15 ber vga card, para editor movie bisa mengedit “kasar” hasil take gambar di tempat syuting (misal syutingnya di desa nun jauh dari kota), lalu melanjutkan editing di studio setelah kembali dari tempat syuting. Mereka juga bisa menggunakan MBP 15 untuk mempresentasikan hasil karyanya kepada client yg ingin dibuatkan video clip, iklan dengan animasi kartun, dll.

Saran saya bila anda menggunakan MBP 15 untuk bekerja kelas berat, belilah AppleCare. Tentang apa itu AppleCare akan saya kupas di post berikutnya.. sabar ajah.. J

MacBook Air

Notebook Apple paling tipissss dan ringaaannn

Anda seorang bos besar yg butuh kemana2 membawa laptop, melakukan presentasi di beberapa tempat dalam sehari dan menggunakan laptop hanya untuk browsing, mengetik dan email? Menurut saya Macbook Air adalah laptop yg harus dipilih.

Hingga saat ini menurut saya MBA adalah laptop paling tipis di dunia (beberapa vendor lain mengumumkan mereka punya yg lebih baik dari MBA, tapi barang tersebut keluar setelah MBA -> niru kok ngaku keren.. huuuu…). Kelebihan MBA adalah tipis dan ringan sehingga membawa MBA dalam tas anda hanya berasa membawa sebuah kamus yg agak tebal. Kelemahan MBA adalah speknya yg cukup poor, betapa tidak, dengan CPU 2ghz dan hdd hanya 80GB, kalau saya sih pasti sudah stress berat karena hobi saya menonton film beresolusi 1080P (for info, film dengan resolusi tsb memiliki size 8-12 GB). Dan port yg terdapat dalam MBA yg cukup poor eh bukan cukup, tapi sangat poor.. Hanya 1 port untuk charge, 1 USB port dan 1 port ethernet. Tapi yah kembali lagi ke fungsinya, ultra mobile notebook is doesn’t need a lot of port and a big specification but only need a thinnes and lightness body.. hohoho..

Siapa yg cocok pake Macbook Air?

Seperti saya tulis diatas, tentunya orang2 yg butuh mobilitas sangat tinggi, spek yg seadanya, port secukupnya dan pekerjaan2 ringan di depan sebuah notebook , dan tentunya sebuah Mac OS dalam notebook tersebut (ya karena kalau gak butuh mac os, beli netbook 10 inch aja bisa ultra mobile.. hihihi..)

Contohnya adalah seorang bos besar sebuah perusahaan (si bos ga butuh port USB banyak2 kan, kerjaannya cuma ketik2 ajah.. hehe)

terus dokter juga bisa, misal seorang dokter specialist yg sering jadi pembicara di seminar2, bawa MBA = enteng+keren.. hehe

Saran saya untuk pengguna MBA, sisihkan budget untuk membeli hardisk external karena hardisk MBA yg cukup kecil kapasitasnya jadi mutlak rasanya memiliki hardiks ext untuk memnyimpan data2 anda.

Mac Mini

Paling kecil, paling terjangkau

Anda seorang pengguna PC, ingin beralih ke Mac tapi tidak ingin membuang monitor, keyboard dan mouse kesayangan anda..? Kalo bgitu, say hello to Mac Mini deh.. hehe

Mac Mini adalah komputer Mac yg sangat kecil dengan dimensi 6.5 inch persegi (itu kata apple.com). Jangan salah, kecil2 gini Mac Mini cukup lengkap hardwarenya. Sudah ada superdrive (itu loh yg buat baca cd atau dvd), bahkan spek Mac Mini terbaru sudah memilik port HDMI. Ada juga spek mac mini yg tidak menggunakan super drive tapi menggunakan 2 hdd dan digunakan untuk server karena OS bawaannya adalah Mac OSX Snow Leopard Server.

Siapa yg cocok pake Mac Mini?

Mac user yg membutuhkan sebuah komputer desktop yg ringkas dan dapat menggunakan keyboard, mouse dan monitor non Apple product. Tentunya tidak membutuhkan vga card atau pekerjaan yg berat dan membutuhkan vga yg tinggi.


Anak kita yg masih SMP atau SMA, mungkin cocok menggunakan Mac Mini sebagai media pembelajaran untuk mengenalkan dia dengan dunia Mac. Atau sebuah instansi yg tidak membutuhkan kerja berat (bagian administrasi perusahaan, front office dari sebuah perusahaan advertising agar bisa mudah berhubungan dengan iMac di ruang editing,dll)

Satu lagi kelebihan dari Mac Mini dan iMac yg saya sukai. Silent is beautifull.. Ya, komputer Mac terkenal handal dan tenang. Bayangkan sekarang iMac vs. PC desktop dengan spek yg sama. Berapa budget yg anda keluarkan untuk membeli kipas cpu bermerk, kipas vga,dll. Dan bandingkan kebisingannya dengan iMac. Jauh lebih tenang iMac bukan?


All ini one desktop Mac Computer

Kenapa disebut all ini one? Karena saat anda membeli iMac, anda sudah mendapat sebuah komputer lengkap dengan monitornya, all in one kan? hehe

Menurut sejarahnya, iMac adalah produk revolusioner dari apple yg membangkitkan apple dari keterpurukannya pada tahun 2003 (kalo ga salah lo yah). Karena bentuknya yg menarik dan simple, para pengguna tertarik untuk membeli iMac pada saat itu.

Spek iMac sampai saat ini juga sudah cukup tinggi (sangat tinggi kalau menurut saya). Dengan pilihan monitor 21 dan 27 inch, hdd 1TB, RAM 4GB dan pada high spek sudah menggunakan prosessor i5 dan VGA card. Its like a Hulk in youre desk!! hehehe

Bila anda membeli iMac, anda sudah mendapat magic mouse dan keyboard mac wireless dalam box iMac. Menurut saya kenapa 2 peralatan tersebut dibuat wireless, supaya bisa mempermudah kita dalam bekerja jangan sampai terbatas kepada panjangnya kabel apalagi menggunakan layar sebesar 21 bahkan 27 inch, tentunya membutuhkan jarak yg cukup jauh dari monitor.

Siapa yg cocok pake iMac?

Menurut saya yg cocok menggunakan iMac adalah orang yg membutuhkan komputer kelas berat, maksudnya adalah spek yg tinggi dan tidak membutuhkan komputer untuk mobilitas (masa iya sih mau bawa2 iMac ke café bwt ketemu client.. hehe).

Contohnya ?

Biasanya yg menggunakan iMac adalah sebuah perusahan advertising di ruang editingnya, atau perusahaan film animasi, editor film, musisi, dll. Kenapa mereka memilih iMac? Tentunya karena speknya yg cukup tinggi dan harganya yg cukup terjangkau (jika dibanding MacPro) dan mereka tentunya tidak membutuhkan mobilitas tinggi, karena fungsinya adalah digunakan di ruang kerja atau studio music. Faktor lain adalah iMac is Simple. Ya, hanya 1 kabel yg butuh anda colokkan, kabel listrik, done. Bayangkan bila anda menggunakan PC di studio music atau ruang kerja editing video, saat anda ingin mencabut kabel charger battery camera eh yg kecabut kabel listrik PC.. Mati deh.. Mana belom di save kerjaanya..

Saran saya bagi pengguna iMac, siapkan budget lebih untuk membeli sebuah UPS (Uninteruptable Power System), yg fungsinya adalah menstabilkan listrik yg akan masuk ke iMac anda. Alat tersebut juga berfungsi sebagai listrik cadangan saat listrik dari PLN mati mendadak.

Dan hati-hatilah dengan iMac anda jgn sampai ketagihan maen game, nonton film beresolusi HD di iMac terlalu lama, bisa membuat anda melupakan pekerjaan dan anak istri…! hahahaha..

Mac Pro

Desktop Mac paling gahar

Kenapa saya sebut paling gahar..? Kalo iMac tadi ibarat Hulk, kalo Mac Pro ibarat iron man bwt saya. Ya, karena bodynya yg kuat seperti tank, menggunakan 2 CPU dan jeroannya bisa di custom. Maksud dari di custom adalah kita bisa membeli Mac Pro di apple.com dengan konfigurasi yg kita inginkan (misal kita ingin membeli mac pro dengan 2 VGA, 3 hdd @ 1TB. Sure you can..! )

Bentuk Mac Pro seperti desktop PC, tetapi jelas lebih keren daripada dekstop PC.. hehe…

Buat anda yg suka membongkar2 PC desktop untuk mengganti hardsik, masi ingat dengan ribetnya membuka casing dan melepas kabel power, baru kabel data? Di macpro, semuanya tinggal tancep cep cep..

Siapa yg cocok pake MacPro?

Wah kalo tank seperti ini, biasanya para penggunanya adalah perusahaan yg sudah mapan dan membutuhkan kerja yg sangat berat dan orientasi mereka adalah kecepatan. Semisal stasiun tv yg membutuhkan editing video untuk segera ditampilkan besok malamnya disebuah acara di tv.

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iPhone Batteries

Posted by Bhaguz Hernawan on 21.57 in ,

Paying attention to just a few commonsense pointers will pay off with a longer battery lifespan and battery life for your iPhone. The most important thing is to keep your iPhone out of the sun or a hot car (including the glove box). Heat will degrade your battery’s performance the most.

Some Terms You Need to Understand

“Battery life” means the time your iPhone will run before it must be recharged.“Battery lifespan” means the total amount of time your battery will last before it must be replaced.

Viewing Usage Statistics

Awareness of how you use your iPhone and knowing how long your battery typically lasts can help you improve its battery life. You can view your iPhone usage statistics by tapping the Settings icon on the Home screen and choosing General > Usage. Under the “Time since last full charge” heading you’ll see two items:

  • Usage: Amount of time iPhone has been awake and in use since the last full charge. The phone is awake when you’re on a call, using email, listening to music, browsing the web, or sending and receiving text messages, or during certain background tasks such as auto-checking email.
  • Standby: Amount of time iPhone has been powered on since its last full charge, including the time the phone has been asleep.

Update to the Latest Software

Software Update

Always make sure your iPhone has the latest software from Apple, as engineers may find new ways to optimize battery performance. Using iTunes 8.2 or later, you can update your iPhone with the latest software. Connect your iPhone to your computer, then select iPhone in the Source List. In the Summary panel, click “Check for Updates” to see if there’s a new version of the iPhone software available. Click Update to install the latest version.

Optimize Your Settings

Depending on how they are configured, a few features may decrease your iPhone battery life. For example, the frequency with which you retrieve email and the number of email accounts you auto-check can both affect battery life. The tips below apply to an iPhone running iPhone 3.0 or later software and may help extend your battery life.

  • Minimize use of location services: Applications that actively use location services such as Maps may reduce battery life. To disable location services, go to Settings > General > Location Services or use location services only when needed.
  • Turn off push notifications: Some applications from the App Store use the Apple Push Notification Service to alert you of new data. Those applications that extensively rely on push notifications (such as instant messaging applications) may impact battery life. To disable push notifications, go to Settings > Notifications and set Notifications to Off. Note that this does not prevent new data from being received when the application is opened. Also, the Notifications setting will not be visible if you do not have any applications installed that support push notifications.
  • Fetch new data less frequently: Applications such as Mail can be set to fetch data wirelessly at specific intervals. The more frequently email or other data is fetched, the quicker your battery may drain. To fetch new data manually, from the Home screen choose Settings > Mail, Contacts, Calendars > Fetch New Data and tap Manually. To increase the fetch interval, go to Settings > Mail, Contacts, Calendars > Fetch New Data and tap Hourly. Note that this is a global setting and applies to all applications that do not support push services.
  • Turn off push mail: If you have a push mail account such as Yahoo!, MobileMe or Microsoft Exchange, turn off push when you don’t need it. Go to Settings > Mail, Contacts, Calendars > Fetch New Data and set Push to Off. Messages sent to your push email accounts will now be received on your phone based on the global Fetch setting rather than as they arrive. If the global Fetch setting is set to Manually, you will not be able to locate your iPhone using the MobileMe Find My iPhone feature.
  • Auto-check fewer email accounts: You can save power by checking fewer email accounts. This can be accomplished by turning off an email account or by deleting it. To turn off an account, go to Settings > Mail, Contacts, Calendars, choose an email account, and set Account to Off. To remove an account, go to Settings > Mail, Contacts, Calendars, choose an email account, and tap Delete Account.
  • Minimize use of third-party applications: Excessive use of applications such as games that prevent the screen from dimming or shutting off or applications that use location services can reduce battery life.
  • Turn off Wi-Fi: If you rarely use Wi-Fi, you can turn it off to save power. Go to Settings > Wi-Fi and set Wi-Fi to Off. Note that if you frequently use your iPhone to browse the web, battery life may be improved by using Wi-Fi instead of cellular data networks.
  • Turn off Bluetooth: If you rarely use a Bluetooth headset or car kit, you can turn off Bluetooth to save power. Go to Settings > General > Bluetooth and set Bluetooth to Off.
  • Use Airplane Mode in low- or no-coverage areas: Because your iPhone always tries to maintain a connection with the cellular network, it may use more power in low- or no-coverage areas. Turning on Airplane Mode can increase battery life in these situations; however, you will be unable to make or receive calls. To turn on Airplane Mode, go to Settings and set Airplane Mode to On.
  • Adjust brightness: Dimming the screen is another way to extend battery life. Go to Settings > Brightness and drag the slider to the left to lower the default screen brightness. In addition, turning on Auto-Brightness allows the screen to adjust its brightness based on current lighting conditions. Go to Settings > Brightness and set Auto-Brightness to On.
  • Turn off EQ: Applying an equalizer setting to song playback on your iPhone can decrease battery life. To turn EQ off, go to Settings > iPod > EQ and tap Off. Note that if you’ve added EQ to songs directly in iTunes, you’ll need to set EQ on iPhone to Flat in order to have the same effect as Off because iPhone keeps your iTunes settings intact. Go to Settings > iPod > EQ and tap Flat.
  • Turn off 3G: Using 3G cellular networks loads data faster, but may also decrease battery life, especially in areas with limited 3G coverage. To disable 3G, from the Home screen choose Settings > General > Network and set Enable 3G to Off. You will still be able to make and receive calls and access cellular data networks via EDGE or GPRS where available.

Lock Your iPhone

It may seem obvious, but you should lock your iPhone when you aren’t using it. You will be able to receive calls and text messages while it is locked, but nothing happens if you touch the screen. To lock iPhone, press the Sleep/Wake button. You can also set the Auto-Lock interval so your iPhone will turn off more quickly after a period of inactivity. To set Auto-Lock, go to Settings > General > Auto-Lock and set the interval to a short time, such as 1 minute.

Use iPhone Regularly

For proper maintenance of a lithium-based battery, it’s important to keep the electrons in it moving occasionally. Be sure to go through at least one charge cycle per month (charging the battery to 100% and then completely running it down).

source : apple.com

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iPod Family Batteries

Posted by Bhaguz Hernawan on 21.39 in , ,
Paying attention to just a few commonsense pointers will pay off with a longer battery lifespan and battery life for your iPod. The most important thing is to keep your iPod out of the sun or a hot car (even the glove box). Heat will degrade your battery’s performance the most.

Some Terms You Need to Understand

“Battery life” means the time your iPod will run before it must be recharged (sometimes this is also called “playtime” or “runtime”). “Battery lifespan” means the total amount of time your battery will last before it must be replaced.

Update to the Latest Software

Always make sure iPod has the latest software from Apple, as engineers may find new ways to optimize battery performance. For instance, early iPod models without a dock connector benefit from update 1.3 or later. Using iTunes 7.4 or later, you can update your iPod with the latest software. Put your iPod in its dock or plug it into your computer and iTunes will notify you if an update is available.

Use iPod Regularly

For proper maintenance of a lithium-based battery, it’s important to keep the electrons in it moving occasionally. Be sure to go through at least one charge cycle per month. If you use your iPod infrequently (gasp), you might want to add reminder to your calendar program.

Extend Your Battery Life

If you want to extend the battery life of your iPod for any given charge cycle, you may conserve power by following these tips.

Hold and Pause

It may seem obvious, but set the Hold switch when you aren’t using your iPod. This will prevent iPod controls from inadvertently waking up iPod and using unnecessary power. Also, if you are not listening to iPod, pause it, or turn it off by pressing the play button for two seconds.

iPod menu screen

Optimize Your Settings

There are a few features that use your iPod battery more quickly. If you don’t use these features, your iPod will play tunes longer.

  • Wi-Fi: Wi-Fi consumes power even if you are not using its features to connect to a network. You can turn it off to save power. Go to Settings > General > Network > Wi-Fi.
  • Backlight: Setting the backlight to “always on” will significantly reduce your battery life. Only use the backlight when necessary.
  • Equalizer: Adding EQs to playback uses more of your iPod processor, since they aren’t encoded in the song. Turn EQ off if you don’t use it. If, however, you’ve added EQ to tracks in iTunes, you’ll need to set EQ to “flat” in order to have the effect of “off,” because iPod keeps your iTunes settings intact.
  • Minimize use of third-party applications: Excessive use of applications on iPod touch, such as games that prevent the screen from dimming or shutting off, can reduce battery life.
  • Fetch new data less frequently: Applications on iPod touch such as Mail can be set to fetch data wirelessly at specific intervals. The more frequently email or other data is fetched, the quicker your battery may drain. To fetch new data manually, from the Home screen choose Settings > Fetch New Data and tap Manually. To increase the fetch interval, go to Settings > Fetch New Data and tap Hourly. Note that this is a global setting and applies to all applications that do not support push services.
  • Turn off push mail: If you have a push mail account on iPod touch such as Yahoo!, MobileMe, or Microsoft Exchange, turn off push mail when you don’t need it. Go to Settings > Fetch New Data and set Push to Off. Messages sent to your push email accounts will now be received on your iPod touch based on the global Fetch setting rather than as they arrive.

Maximize Your Memory

iPod plays music out of a solid-state memory cache to provide skip-free playback and maximize battery life. iPod spins its hard drive to fill this cache, which uses power. A couple of factors affect how often this happens, and if you minimize these factors, you’ll extend battery life.

  • Limit Fast-Forwarding: If you fast-forward through your playlist, iPod has to fill its cache more frequently, thus accessing the hard drive more often and using more power. This decreases overall battery life. By creating great playlists in iTunes that cater to your personal taste, you can decrease your need to fast-forward. Using the shuffle feature may also help to minimize your use of the fast-forward feature.
  • Use Compressed Songs: The iPod cache works most efficiently with songs of average file sizes (less than 9MB). If your audio files are large or uncompressed (including AIFF or WAV format), you may want to compress them, or use a different compression method, such as AAC or MP3, when importing them into iTunes. Also, consider breaking very long songs or tracks into shorter tracks that have smaller file sizes. If you encode your music at 128 Kbps, your iPod will fill its cache about every 25 minutes.
source : apple.com
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Apple Notebook Batteries

Posted by Bhaguz Hernawan on 21.17 in ,
With a little bit of care, you can maximize the battery life (i.e. the time your battery will run before it must be recharged) and lifespan of your notebook's battery. Most importantly, use your Apple notebook in its comfort zone for temperature (See “Notebook Temperate Zone”). Don’t leave it locked in a hot trunk during the summer

Your New Notebook

Be sure to fully charge your portable when you plug it in for the first time, and then run Software Update to ensure you have the latest software. Apple periodically releases updates that may improve battery performance.

Standard Maintenance

For proper maintenance of a lithium-based battery, it’s important to keep the electrons in it moving occasionally. Apple does not recommend leaving your portable plugged in all the time. An ideal use would be a commuter who uses her MacBook Pro on the train, then plugs it in at the office to charge. This keeps the battery juices flowing. If on the other hand, you use a desktop computer at work, and save a notebook for infrequent travel, Apple recommends charging and discharging its battery at least once per month. Need a reminder? Add an event to your desktop’s iCal.

Long-Term Storage

If you don’t plan on using your notebook for more than six months, Apple recommends that you store the battery with a 50% charge. If you store a battery when it’s fully discharged, it could fall into a deep discharge state, which renders it incapable of holding any charge. Conversely, if you store it fully charged for an extended period of time, the battery may experience some loss of battery capacity, meaning it will have a shorter life. Be sure to store your notebook and battery at the proper temperature. (See “Notebook Temperate Zone.”)

Energy Saver

Optimal Setting

You can choose to use your Apple notebook in a way that maximizes its battery life.

  • Energy: The Energy Saver control panel offers several settings that determine power levels for your PowerBook. Your portable knows when it’s plugged in, and runs accordingly. When on battery power, it will dim the screen and use other components sparingly. If you change this setting to maximize performance, your battery will drain more quickly.
  • Brightness: Dim the screen to the lowest comfortable level to achieve maximum battery life. For instance, when watching a DVD on an airplane, you may not need full brightness if all the lights are off.
  • AirPort Wireless: AirPort consumes power, even if you are not using its features to connect to a network. You can turn it off in its control panel to save power.
  • Bluetooth Wireless: Likewise, you can turn off Bluetooth to maximize your battery life, as it also consumes power when not in use.
  • Applications and peripherals: Disconnect peripherals and quit applications not in use. Eject CDs and DVDs if not currently accessing them.

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Lithium-ion Batteries

Posted by Bhaguz Hernawan on 19.06 in ,
Rechargeable lithium-based technology currently provides the best performance for your Apple notebook computer, iPod, or iPhone. You can also find this standard battery technology in many other devices. Apple batteries share the characteristics common to lithium-based technology in other devices. Like other rechargeable batteries, these batteries may eventually require replacement.

Standard Technology
Lithium-ion polymer batteries pack in a higher power density than nickel-based batteries. This gives you a longer battery life in a lighter package, as lithium is the lightest metal. You can also recharge a lithium-ion polymer battery whenever convenient, without the full charge or discharge cycle necessary to keep nickel-based batteries at peak performance. (Over time, crystals build up in nickel-based batteries and prevent you from charging them completely, necessitating an inconvenient full discharge.)
lithium-ion Battery Charge Chart

Standard Charging
Most lithium-ion polymer batteries use a fast charge to charge your device to 80% battery capacity, then switch to trickle charging. That’s about two hours of charge time to power an iPod to 80% capacity, then another two hours to fully charge it, if you are not using the iPod while charging. You can charge all lithium-ion batteries a large but finite number of times, as defined by charge cycle.
Charge cycles

Charge Cycle. Using and recharging 100% of battery capacity equals one full charge cycle.

A charge cycle means using all of the battery’s power, but that doesn’t necessarily mean a single charge. For instance, you could listen to your iPod for a few hours one day, using half its power, and then recharge it fully. If you did the same thing the next day, it would count as one charge cycle, not two, so you may take several days to complete a cycle. Each time you complete a charge cycle, it diminishes battery capacity slightly, but you can put notebook, iPod, and iPhone batteries through many charge cycles before they will only hold 80% of original battery capacity. As with other rechargeable batteries, you may eventually need to replace your battery.

How to Maximize Power Use
The length of time your battery will power your device depends on how you use it. For instance, watching a DVD will use up your notebook battery’s power more quickly than simple word processing. You can follow some easy steps to maximize your notebook, iPod, or iPhone battery life.

source : apple.com

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Mac OS X 10.6 About the Battery menu bar extra for portable Macs

Posted by Bhaguz Hernawan on 18.53 in
Mac OS X v10.6 Snow Leopard includes an improved Battery menu bar extra for portable Macs. The Battery menu bar extra provides information about the condition of the battery, as well the amount of time remaining on the current charge, the current active power source, and any current charge status details.
Products Affected

Within the Battery menu bar extra in Mac OS X v10.6, you may see one of these messages:

* Replace Soon
* Replace Now
* Service Battery

About "Replace Soon"

If you see "Replace Soon" in the Battery menu, the battery may still be usable and hold some charge, however, you might consider battery replacement. If the battery in the Mac portable is removable, try removing and reseating it. Make sure the power cord is connected to your computer and a power outlet. If the battery is not removable, it may be necessary to reset the System Management Controller (SMC).

If "Replace Soon" continues to appear after reseating the battery or resetting the SMC, consider replacing the battery or taking the computer to an Apple Authorized Service Provider.

About "Replace Now" and "Service Battery"

If a Mac portable's battery is unable to hold a charge for long (or at all), the Battery menu will display either a "Replace Now" or "Service Battery" alert. If you see this, and if the battery in the Mac portable is removable, try removing and reseating it. Make sure the power cord is connected to your computer and a power outlet. If the battery is not removable, it may be necessary to reset the System Management Controller (SMC).

Your portable Mac's battery may need to be inspected and/or replaced if the issue persists.
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Resetting The SMC

Posted by Bhaguz Hernawan on 18.18 in
Apple Portables: Resetting the System Management Controller (SMC)

This article refers to Apple's Intel-based portables manufactured February 2006 or later. For PowerPC-based products manufactured before that date, see "Resetting PowerBook and iBook Power Management Unit (PMU)".

Products Affected
MacBook Pro, MacBook, MacBook Air
The System Management Controller is an integrated circuit (computer chip) that is on the logic board of the computer. As the name implies, it is responsible for power management of the computer. It controls backlighting, hard disk spin down, sleep and wake, some charging aspects, trackpad control, and some input/output as it relates to the computer sleeping.

Over time, the settings in the System Management Controller may become unusable, which can result in operational anomalies with the computer. Examples include not turning on, not waking from sleep, not charging the battery, or not recognizing the AC Adapter, among others.

Resetting the SMC is not intended for resolution of a stall or situation in which the computer is unresponsive. An SMC reset should not be necessary except as a last resort in cases where a hardware issue with the power management system is suspected. Performing an SMC reset resets the hardware power management functions.

For most situations, a restart is sufficient. If the computer has stopped responding, try each one of these steps, one by one. Test between each step to see if it has worked. If one step works, don't worry about the next one. You should only reset the SMC if you've tried all of the steps listed here and the computer still isn't working.

Force Quit (Option-Command-Escape)
Restart (Control-Command-Power)
Force Shut Down (press the power button for 10 seconds)
Only perform an SMC reset on the computer if none of the above steps resolved the situation. If this is the case, see below for instructions on locating the reset button or key combination for your model of computer. If your computer is earlier than the models listed here, see "Resetting PowerBook and iBook Power Management Unit (PMU)" or "PowerBook: Resetting Power Management Unit (PMU)".

MacBook (13 inch, Late 2008), MacBook Pro (15-inch, Early 2008), and MacBook Pro (17-inch, Early 2008)
If the computer is on, turn it off.
Disconnect the AC adapter and remove the computer's battery.
Press and hold the power button for 5 seconds and then release the button.
Reconnect the battery and AC Adapter.
Press the power button to restart the computer
Note: Starting with MacBook Pro (Late 2008) and MacBook (Late 2008) models, you may instead use the reset method for MacBook Air (below) to reset the SMC. All earlier models of MacBook and MacBook Pro must use the method described above, which involves removing the battery.

MacBook Air and MacBook Pro (Late 2008 and later)
If the computer is on, turn it off by choosing Shutdown from the Apple () menu.
Connect the power adapter to a working power source.
On the built-in keyboard, press (left) Shift-Control-Option along with the power button once.
Wait 5 seconds and press the power button to start the computer.
Note: You must use the keys on the left side of the built-in keyboard.

You should only perform an SMC reset when the MacBook Air or MacBook Pro (17-inch, Early 2009) has been properly shutdown. This prevents issues from occurring to the file system.

While the power adapter does not need to be connected to reset the SMC, it may be necessary in situations where the battery needs charging or if the computer has been without power for an extended period of time. You can also visually check the SMC reset by observing the LED on the adapter. It will momentarily turn off as the SMC resets.

source : apple.com
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